How Recovery Homes Can Help Sex Trafficking Survivors
In this webinar, learn about how recovery homes can support survivors of human trafficking.
Creating a Culture of Change: Motivational Interviewing in Recovery Housing
Explore Motivational Interviewing (MI) and how it can support change in your recovery house. Students will recognize the spirit of MI and its core elements and strategies, be able to identify basic skills they can adopt, and know where to find more resources for continued learning.
Trauma-Informed Care in Rural Recovery Residences
This course provides an overview of trauma-informed care and how trauma can impact a person. By implementing trauma-informed care in your rural recovery house setting, you can help residents better manage their outcomes and build recovery capital.
Justice & Correctional Initiatives
Focus on person-centered approaches and the impact of discrimination on those in the legal and correctional systems.
Justice: Pre-Adjudication
The course provides a glossary of commonly used terms and gives an overview of the legal stages and intervention opportunities for those with SUD.
The Intersectionality of Women, SUD, Trauma, and the Criminal Legal System (Summit 2022)
Illustrates the invisible power relations created by trauma and the legal system for women with SUD and how it shapes identity and inequality.
Surviving Trauma and Thriving
Webinar on how to apply a trauma informed lens