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Connecting Treatment to Recovery—The updated ASAM Criteria 4th Edition
The recently released ASAM 4th Edition includes a new chapter on integrating Recovery Support Services (RSS) in ASAM criteria! In fact, RSS standards are incorporated into the service standards for every level of care, including decision rules for treatment providers in determining the need for placement in recovery residences. Beth Fisher Sanders and Dr. Paul Earley, authors of the new chapter, […]
Officials break ground on new women’s recovery center in Middlesboro

BELL COUNTY, Ky. (WYMT) – A new women’s long-term recovery center is coming to Middlesboro.
In Littleton, a vending machine makes naloxone available 24/7

Article Link: People in Littleton can now get the overdose-reversal drug naloxone from a vending machine that’s open 24/7, part of an ongoing campaign to expand access to the life-saving medication. The device is outside the Mt. Eustis Commons office building on Cottage Street, across the street from the Littleton Food Coop. It looks like any […]
’A Crucial Public Health Tool’ | Mi’kmaq Nation Installs Lifesaving Vending Machine

Article Link: In a rural northeastern Maine county with some of the state’s highest overdose rates, the Mi’kmaq Nation is using a vending machine to save the lives of its citizens and their non-Native neighbors. Mi’kmaq Nation Health Director Katie Espling with the tribe’s new vending machine that holds 300 doses of opioid reversal […]
Beckley to Become Nation’s First Inclusive Recovery City
Article Link: The City of Beckley will soon become the first Inclusive Recovery City (IRC) in the United States. On March 19, city, state, national and international leaders in recovery support will come together to sign a charter declaring Beckley as an IRC — the first in the nation, joining 26 other cities across […]
Xylazine Resource Guide
The drug supply in the United States is increasingly adulterated with synthetic opioids and other toxic substances. Xylazine is a veterinary tranquilizer that is often found in combination with fentanyl, other opioids, and psychostimulants (e.g., cocaine). It can cause respiratory depression, slowed heart rate, and increased risk of overdose death as well as skin ulcers and abscesses.
The Fourth Wave of the U.S. Overdose Crisis
Please join us on Wednesday, April 10th from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET for a UVM CORA Community Rounds Workshop Series session, “The Fourth Wave of the U.S. Overdose Crisis: Disseminating Incentive-Based Interventions for Stimulant Use Disorder into Rural Community Settings”. Our speaker is Tyler Erath, PhD, NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Vermont Center on Behavior and Health at the University of Vermont. This presentation will explore the role of psychomotor stimulants in the ongoing overdose crisis and discuss contingency management treatment for stimulant use, including current obstacles to its use in community settings.